Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bravo Massachusetts...

...Once again, you’re ahead of the rest of the country on being proactive about social issues. Recently, it was gay rights, now it’s universal healthcare. Brilliant.

Yesterday, the state became the first state to offer health insurance for every single one of their residents. The plan is expected to cover 515,000 uninsured people within three years, which is about 95 percent of the state's uninsured population. This will leave less than 1 percent of the population unprotected.

Massachusetts was of course motivated by the ineptitude of the federal government. In sum, they are moving on the deal as a result of a threat by the federal government to eliminate $385 million in federal Medicaid money unless the state reduced the number of uninsured people. Compassion. Out the window.

Now let’s just hope other states get onboard with this idea. It’s a step in the right direction to get this country back on track.

Mass. to provide near-total healthcare UPI


At 12:29 PM, Blogger Downtown said...

Universal Healthcare and the Boston Red Sox... Love Massachusetts!

At 3:15 PM, Blogger NotMiranda said...

Hmmm...a reason to consider moving!

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummm, they aren't providing it all gratis or anything- you have to pay for it. now it's just mandatory. so a nice idea- but not as "universal" as one would like.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger miss goLondon said...

that is a great thing. and i disagre with the last comment, universal doesn't mean free. here in the uk everyone is covered by the national health system and that is what a big chunk of our tax dollars pay for. i would much rather see my tax dollars paying to keep my fellow citizens healthy (yes, a romantic simplicity i realise) than oil and gas exploration tax breaks and fighter jets.


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