Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ex-Text Nixing

When I started this blog, I mentioned I had just officially gotten over my ex. Not sorta of over, but really over. He’s tried to contact me once or twice this year and I’ve been strong in cutting him out. Well, given that he's a fan of electronic communication, he’s back again in the form of text messaging.

Let me just lay out the full scenario for you. He lives in Europe. He travels to the U.S. on occasion for work, and back when we were still speaking, he mentioned something about a trip here in April. Soooo…I’m thinking he’s resurfacing in attempt to prime his ground. (I.e., get laid while he’s in town.). How amusing.

I’m not even going to go into what the text messages he sent me said, because they are so incredibly lame that I would be required to pick it apart line by line to showcase how shallow this guy is, and frankly, he’s not worth my time anymore.

So my point, my friends, is this: you know you're totally over your ex when you can't even stand to spend money on a text message anymore. Which is, at most, ten cents. Now that is refreshing!

In a dating update…I’m STILL trying to meet up with the Thinker. We graduated from email to the telephone, however have been playing a very mean game of phone tag. Therefore the only real conversation we've had is through a series of voice mails. I’m losing interest just by the sheer effort in trying to get some voice-on-voice action. Ug.

Regardless of my current frustrations, I'm looking forward to another weekend in Vermont. This Saturday is the U.S. Freestyle Championships…and you all know what that means ;-)


At 8:26 PM, Blogger jo said...

i'm glad that you've really and truly gotten over your ex to the point that you can't even be bothered to spend 10 cents to reply to him. it makes things easier that he's far far away in another country...

oh and i've come to realise that there's something very social bout bowling. even if i can't bowl to save my life...

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Horse said...

Have fun in Killington! I'll be there for the Championships as well. Look for the guy with...nevermind. Are you just going to hang out in the lodge and watch or are you actually going to do a little carving on bear mountain?

This guy sounds like a real winner. What is it that you liked about him in the first place?

You are right on: dude thinks you'll be an easy lay. What would you say if he really wanted back in your life and he wasn't BSing you, though?

Also, I take it that Thinker's email was different than Dolly's myspace emails?

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

horse: to answer your questions...

1) I liked him in the first place because he was the first guy I had met in a LONG time that wasn't a macho freak. He was sensitive and emotional and it was refreshing. We were very happy for a period of time, but then the long-distance and his inability to communicate got in the way of everything else.

2) If he wanted me back I'd just flat out decline. There are things that people can self-reflect and change about themselves, and there are things that we just won’t ever be able to see…innately part of a persona. At the end of the day, he is just not the guy who can offer me what I need, especially when it comes to the important stuff. Maybe, just maybe, we could be friends...but that's about it.

3) Yes, thinker's email was very unpiggish. Thoughtful, insightful and smart.

Re: Killington...I haven't decided yet...

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Horse said...

Elle: very illuminating :)

I think that, without exception, distance kills everything. Even JD couldn't keep your interest with his words. It's like in "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning:" (I promise i'll stop quoting it after this :) the conceit that two souls apart are "like gold to airy thinness beat;" From a practical standpoint, gold foil is very, very flimsy.

When you say he can't offer you what you need, do you mean someone that is sensitive and insightful? I assume you want someone to pay close attention to you and notice your little idiosyncracies, like someone who is self-absorbed wouldn't be able to. Sometimes it's hard to define what you need. It's like we have to balance our idealism about relationships with reality's austere offices, whether we want to or not.

What is a typical example of "macho freak" behavior? I know it should go without saying, but women and men can actually define the same word differently. For instance, when you say a guy is emotional, you may have meant "vocalizes his meaningful feelings," whereas I would interpret it to mean he is out of control.

I hope things work out with the thinker. It's too bad you won't be going to Killington, although usually when I see a gaggle of NY gals, I back up as fast as my restrictive ski boots will allow ;)

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Silvs said...

let me just say, I hope 3 months from now, i'm over my ex .. he is off my IM's my Gmail .. my phone .. I still want to stab his eye out ..
I'm afraid to pick up the phone and have an actualy convo.. I was thinking of changing my number .. but that's giving him too much power .. I can do this!!

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Horse said...

silvs: In your case, who broke up with whom?

I felt that way once.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger James said...

Try instant messanger? An e-mail/telephone halfway house.


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