Friday, March 17, 2006

Friday Slack

As I was reading the news this morning, slacking off from doing real work, I stumbled across an article that is a paragon for us working plebes in New York. Apparently slacking off is good for the psyche and better for company morale and productivity.

The article explains that incessant multitasking and being overly busy all the time impedes on a person’s ability to think creatively. In my mind this is no surprise. My best ideas come to me in the few minutes before I fall asleep (of course unless I wake up and write them down, I’ll most likely forget them).

Regardless, I think every company on the island should allow us all to slack off a little more. Yeah, yeah…bottom line…bla bla bla. But wouldn’t it be great if you risked your bottom line just a little so we could all be smarter? Smarter people = $$$.

Considering that marketing is a prime profession for a “lack of slack” environment to proliferate in, I’m a full supporter of the theory this article presents. In other words, I’m going to keep slacking on this lovely St. Patty’s Day and mentally start my weekend early.

Be Smarter At Work, Slack Off (Money)

Speaking of slacking off...for all of you NCAA b-ball fans...did you know you could get March Madness on Demand?!?! I know what I'll be spending the next 2 hours doing...GO BIG TEN!

March Madness On Demand


At 5:14 PM, Blogger Bama Girl said...

March Madness on Demand? I'm in heaven.

I thinking I should anonymously forward that article to my CEO, I think he should be aware of this important information.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger charming, but single said...

Big Ten, my ass! SEC all the way!

(Sorry, March Madness brings out my rabid conference pride. ;P )

At 12:37 PM, Blogger miss goLondon said...

The Aussies did a study that proved having naps improved focus and productivity. I am all for the Daily Nap.


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