Thursday, March 02, 2006

Conned Yet Intrigued

Not surprisingly, I was conned out of $30 by the online dating site I joined back in January…I already declared that I’m not really into this online thing, but miraculously my checking account was debited because I didn’t read the fine print and actively cancel my membership. Damn it!

I figure the lapse happened for a reason (or so I hope) so I’m going to give it one more month. Of course nothing has changed really. More of the same old, “Hi, I’m from X, have X siblings, and think you seem nice…let’s chat…bla bla bla.” Bor-ring…

Furthermore, I gave you a few snippets of uninhibited flattery the other day, which gets a guy nowhere in my book (I personally think over-the-top flattery for a person you haven’t met face-to-face is the modern day equivalent of talking with a girl and not being able to stop staring at her breasts when her face is a full eye glance away in distance).

Given my stance on the online thing, I was quite intrigued last week when I got an epic-length work of non-fiction in my inbox. Normally the lengthy email sets the alarms off since too much info right off the bat is daunting and makes a gal want to run in the opposite direction, however this email was very different. Not only was he witty, but I could tell he put a lot of thought and introspection into what he was saying, which made me want to keep reading. This guy is a thinker and plainly articulate…two notably sexy qualities in a man. Imagine that!

Given that I enjoy cutting out the bullshit in such circumstances…I responded (*GASP!*). At the very least I’ll have a few gratifying conversations, which is more than I can say about most of those I’ve met so far. On the other hand, I have to admit this could easily turn into a “psych-out” situation if it gets too intense too fast – coupled with worries of encountering crazy psychopathic mummy murderer…

I guess the plan will have to be not to overanalyze it like I usually do and just go with the flow…

Of course, easier said than done...


At 6:21 PM, Blogger James said...

Articulate thinkers are sexy, are they? I'm liking your 'blog more every time that I read it ;-)

At 9:06 PM, Blogger NotCarrie said...

I like thinkers.

At 10:38 PM, Blogger Damn It Anyway said...

I think too much....does that mean I'm incredibly hot?

At 9:04 AM, Blogger NotCarrie said...

I'd say yes.

At 12:29 PM, Blogger Single guy blogging said...

IMHO, best thing you can do is go with the flow -- make sure this is not a one time occurrence but a small taste of who this guy really is.

Or just overanalyze -- it makes for some great reading on our end! :)

At 7:19 PM, Blogger James said...

One can never think too much if what one is thinking is good, or too little if it is bad.


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