Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hello, My Name is Elle and I'm a Wino

I’m having a massive need to revisit my “rules for sanity” that I had instated back in March. I’ve been doing my best to keep them in mind this year, and for the most part it’s been working.

Despite my ability to remain cool, calm and collected by way of taking care of myself, one rule has gone by the way side in a big way in the past two months, and it's completely derailing every other rule on the list.

In a nutshell…I think I am physically turning into a wine bottle. Yes, I’ve been partaking in the enjoyment of grape-varietals quite a bit lately. I’d say nearly every social outing I’ve been on since summer’s end has involved wine.

Wine is a lovely thing, but not in mass quantities…all in one night. You see, my gal pals and I like to get together for gab-fests. On these nights everyone arrives at the hostess’s apartment with a bottle of wine and a hunk of cheese in tow. To give you an example, Monday night there were just three of us, however we managed to polish off four bottles of wine and a bottle of Prosecco to boot. Tuesday was torture.

Furthermore, there are some nights where work is miserable, so arriving home to a glass of wine while I cook myself dinner is a comfort. I probably do this a couple nights a week. Then I noticed something…I was having trouble sleeping at night. Was my weekly wino behavior leading to insomnia? After a little internet searching I have to come to the conclusion that alcohol consumption at night is likely the culprit.

The act of drinking wine is a comforting by nature. It connotates "the good life" and relaxation. It’s about par with curling up on the couch with a cup of tea with more of a social flair. I think my wine drinking has something to do with replacing certain social comforts that are missing from my life…and that is a bad sign.

It's time to clean up my act, therefore I’m going back to my three-drink limit, STAT. I’ve also made another rule for myself, wine is allowed on one weekend day and on one weekday.

I don’t think that these will be a hard rules to follow since the thought of having a glass these days is truly unappealing. I have to put it into perspective of the other rules too - less wine means less fat on my ass, less money spent, more sleep and better work ethic. Just thinking about it makes me feel better already.


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Downtown said...

I HATE the three drink rule... I hated it when you first made it and I am going to hate it now... What fun is having only 3 cocktails?

Can't you just cut back on the wine??

At 3:35 PM, Blogger MonkeyPants said...

Oh! I had no idea. I've been sleeping like crap lately and I have also definitely upped my intake of wine in the past month (same thing: the comforting glass of wine while unwinding -- which may or may not lead to 2 or more glasses while netflixing the night away with my roommate). I will have to look into that.

At 10:34 PM, Blogger NotCarrie said...

Downtown made me laugh;)


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