Monday, September 18, 2006

One Smart Cabbie

I had been impressed that The Frenchie had gone out of his way to track down my number and ask me out, therefore I was obliged to accept his offer to "take me out." I won't bore you with the details of the date because they were largely unspectacular. It's what happened at the end of the date that solidified his omission from my little black book.

He had picked the restaurant. He ordered the wine. He picked out the appetizers we shared. All were great, however the bill came and I ended up paying for the majority of the tab as indicated by him tossing two $20's across the table.

Strike one.

Since we lived in the same neighborhood, we shared a cab uptown. We chatted more about the same old stuff we just spent the better part of four hours taking about and I began to yawn. As we arrived at his stop, he pulled out a $20...and asked the cabbie for change.

Frenchie: “Do you have two tens?”
Cabbie: “No, I need the change.”
Frenchie: “How can you not have change? Do you have four fives, even ones?”
My Internal Monologue: “Are you fucking kidding me?!?”
Cabbie: “No, I’m sorry. I can’t break your $20”
Me (Irritated and Appalled): “It's ok. Just pay and I’ll get the rest.”

The Frenchie paid and then didn’t tip the cabbie.

Strike two.

As I rode the rest of the way uptown to my apartment I mulled over the behavior of my date. Here was a guy who seemed to be debonair and “with it” when it came to romancing the ladies. Clearly I had the wrong impression. It’s one thing to mutually go dutch, but it’s quite another to stick your date with the bill. It’s just rude.

As I arrived at my stoop, I paid the cabbie and gave him a double tip to accommodate for my cheap date. I stepped out of the cab and shut the door. As I walked away, the cabbie turned to me through his open window and said, “I would have given you the change. I just didn’t like your date.”

Strike three and he’s out.

When the cab driver tells you that he doesn’t like your date, you know it’s time to screen your phone calls!


At 8:21 PM, Blogger Downtown said...

I wish the Frenchie would read this and learn was a dolt he was...

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Buffy said...

That would bebâtard bon marché, or thereabouts.

And I totally agree.

At 6:24 AM, Blogger miss goLondon said...

i luv this story. fab.


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