Thursday, April 20, 2006

Halted Hiatus

No, I did not travel anywhere exciting. Work was not overly busy (surprise surprise). My social life has not been overly active. In a nutshell, I’ve been largely indifferent to just about everything. And sadly, I hate being indifferent. There is just too much going on in this world to be indifferent.

What’s my problem then? Well, I think I’ve just needed a break from thinking. Have you ever had those times that life just sucks you completely bone dry, leaving you with no energy? Well, I think that was my predicament in February and March. In the midst of the quest to slow my life down, which I can successfully say I’ve gotten a handle on, I’ve had more time to let my whole self do some major catch up, and when one “catches up,” sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and do nothing.

Now it's time to put a stop to my self-inflicted lameness. This weekend will be the blow out of all blow outs in the honor of two amazing friends, I’ve got some fabulous trips coming up: Vegas and London, and I’m still waiting to get more information on my life altering “thing.” All in all, hopefully the next couple of months will be an exciting time for Elle. We shall see.

In a short update: The Thinker never called back. But then again, I never called him either. Given some of this guy’s hang ups I saw on our date, coupled with the no call back, I’m perfectly fine with the situation. There isn’t even a sting of rejection, which tells me there wasn’t really a love connection to begin with. Next!


At 10:32 AM, Blogger Dolly said...


I've been in so much suspense waiting to get the latest from you! I know what you mean about needing to take a break from thinking. I think that's why certain WB television shows were invented. Also, it can be exausting doing so much pondering. It sounds like it's the calm before the storm for you, though, with all these fun things coming up for you.

I hope we see you tomorrow!

At 12:24 PM, Blogger miss goLondon said...

i think it is the late winter blues too. don't be too hard on yourself. sometimes it takes all your energy just to be, that you don't have any left over to Do. but know seasonal change is on your side. as my equestrian coach used to say: go gettim tiger. And please let me host you and your friends one night out in London!

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

miss me and I can give you the deets of our trip!!

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Crazy Girl City said...

Everyone need the 'me downtime'. It comes and goes with me. Sometimes I don't feel like pondering a damn thing for weeks, and other times it never stops.

At 5:18 PM, Blogger James said...

Elle: Enjoy London! I recommend a visit to Muffinski's in Covent Garden, the South Bank, the Tate Modern, and at least one of the following mini-museums: the Samuel Johnson Museum, the Dickens House Museum and St. John's Arch in Clerkenwell, all very delightful, and all sufficiently obscure as not to be completely over-run with tourists in the same way that major attractions such as the Houses of Parliament and Madam Tussaud's usually are. Hyde Park is also very much worth a visit.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Thanks for the suggestions Coatman! Love to hear a local's perspective.


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