Friday, May 11, 2007

Living Vicariously

We’ve all wished we could just drop everything we’re doing and just leave. Forget about work. Forget about drama with friends or boyfriends. Forget about the life we’ve created for ourselves and for a small moment pretend we are someone else.

These notions probably run through my head, on a serious level, about twice a year. Of course, I can’t afford to just drop everything and leave. Actually, I probably could leave if I wanted, but then I’d be casting aside everything my type-A personality has worked for over the last few years. Simply casting aside is something a person like myself needs to warm to.

Since I need time to mentally prep myself for such a glorious adventure, I’ve been camping out with my antidote – the travel journal section at Barnes & Noble.

I discovered this book section a few years back and I’d probably say about half of the books I read come from these hallowed shelves. Most of these books follow the theme of “working girl gets sick of daily grind and goes on worldwide adventure.” Not to mention that it seems odd that a majority of these authors find exotic lovers along the way that “change their world.” Damn it. I want someone to change my world!

Anyway, I’m working my way through yet another fantastic pick, this one courtesy of the one and only Downtown: Without Reservations by Alice Steinbach is about a notoriously independent reporter who took a leave of absence from work to travel to Paris, London, Italy and a few places in between. It’s fabulous.

A few more of my favorites:

Read and be figuratively taken away…


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Paige Jennifer said...

Last week, while sitting at my desk picking at my salad, I found myself cruising the web for lunchtime entertainment. Next thing I know, I'm completing an application for a job. In California. Where I know no one. Then I realized my mortgage payment was due and closed the window before submitting my resume (sigh).

At 12:47 PM, Blogger k said...

I SO need to pick up one of these books right now - that is EXACTLY how I have been feeling lately - NEED to get away!! I would love to leave everything behind...

At 1:00 AM, Blogger dancer said...

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At 1:02 AM, Blogger dancer said...

Yes! For me, a good book is just that...a much needed escape from reality. (By the way, good call on Eat Pray Love!)

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Did you just pick up and move?

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Chelsea Talks Smack said...

oo never heard of Give Me the World, definitly going to check it out!


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