It Could Be Worse
As you may have noticed I’m sort of a stickler for self-soul searching and trying to do things that make me happy. I think it’s important that everyone does this because what’s life if you’re not happy, right?Well, while doing some reading online, I stumbled across a quiz entitled “Is Your Life Wearing You Down?” Always interested in self-reflection, I took the quiz thinking I’d do ok...
I scored a measly 64 out of 100…definitely room for improvement.
Apparently, I need to make some adjustments in my life to up my score - things like drink less coffee, balance my budget and…(drum roll please)…have more sex…(as if that doesn’t come as a shocking revelation)…I mean, of course having more sex would make us all happier. Shocker!
Intriguing how some of my gal-pals seem to be in similar predicaments...I mean, we're way too fabulous to be in this situation!
Take the quiz. Hopefully some of you are more “satisfied with your relationships” than I am.
Lifestyle Quiz
goodness .. I just got a 42. I need help... I think it was the smoking that did the trick! ugh!
74, guess I'm doing alright. Or I'm just getting old and dull.
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