Sunday, January 29, 2006

Online and Bored

So far today, I’ve managed be as lazy as lazy can be. I’ve watched Office Space, Dazed & Confused and now I’m well into A Perfect Storm. Intermittently I’ve also called people in four states and have spent enough time at online dating sites to officially form an opinion.

In all honesty, it’s a good thing I only signed up for a month because after chatting with various people and going out with a few. I’m no more impressed with online dating than I was before I signed up in the first place.

We all start by entering the proper search terms on a site that we all hope will turn up a diamond in the rough. The results pop up and there are a handful of people that seem interesting enough to email or e-wink at, but still no diamond. Emails are formalized with the same old questions every time. Emails then sometimes turn into dates that lead to more of the cliché questioning. All in all, I’ve lost interest before the date even began due to all the formalities that were required just to meet. Finally, at the end of the date, I’m thinking it was no more entertaining than a bad business lunch and am back to square one.

So here’s my take on it. Online dating sites require all of us to form forced perceptions based on someone’s ability to write truthfully about themselves. In other words, what you read is what you get. Not only are the perceptions altered, but these sites take all the fun out of meeting someone the old fashioned way. There’s no initial attraction that can be formed. No first impression of an entire personality. No funny banter. No flirtation. It’s all business. Blah.

I’m still excited to be single and am looking at meeting people in a new light; however I think I’m going to stick to my guns and look for the people who are confident enough to just be out there as themselves and not as a three paragraph intro on their entire existence.

Despite my obligatory optimism, patience is a still a bitch.


At 1:16 PM, Blogger AWE said...

This made me think about emailing people, they never now what your feelings are behind the words. Sometimes you are mad when you send them, some times you are laughing, but they can't tell most of the time. This is what Online dating reminds me of, you don't know if you are getting the diamond or the psycho.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Lisa said...


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Dolly said...

A friend once likened online dating to "emptying the bathtub with a teaspoon". It's not impossible, but damn time-consuming and tedious. At the same time, it's nice to know that on days when I don't feel like getting tarted up and going out, I can lie on my couch in pajamas and still potentially meet men.


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